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Keto Zucchini Zoodle Recipe

Keto Zucchini Zoodle Recipe

TOTAL TIME 25mins | Prep time 10 mins + 15 mins marinate | Serves 4

This recipe replaces toxic gluten and processed alternatives with delicious strands of zucchinis, organic spices, cherry tomatoes, mozzarella cheese balls and herbs. Its low-carb because there are only 17 calories per 100 grams, it’s also high in fibre with no cholesterol or unhealthy fats.

Zucchinis are rich in flavonoid antioxidants including zexanthin, lutein and carotenes which help with slowing down the aging process and preventing disease with their free-radical properties. It’s best to leave the skin on when preparing your zoodles, as most of the antioxidants and fibre are in the skin.

Zucchini is rich in potassium (more than a banana), B-complex vitamins, folate, B6, B1, B2, B3, choline, zinc and magnesium – which are all vital minerals to ensure healthy blood sugar regulation.

This recipe can be adapted to include any healthy food group you desire. You can add, organic chicken, cauliflower or more vegetables to make it perfect fit for your family and menu - the possibilities are endless.

Side note: warning - don’t skimp out on the garlic, it’s the most important element for flavour and detoxifying.


  • Vegetable Spiraliser OR
  • Vegetable julienne peeler
  • Large bowl (for marinating)



  • Using a spiraliser or peeler, create zoodles out of zucchinis.
  • Add zoodles to a large bowl, toss with oil and season with garlic, salt, pepper (and chili optional). Let marinate for 15 minutes.
  • Add tomatoes, mozzarella and basil (or coriander) to zoodles and toss until combined.
  • Optional: drizzle with apple cider vinegar if required.

Have you tried our beef stew broth detox yet?

Our famous beef stew broth detox (BSBD) combines a unique method of extracting high levels of nutrients from organic superfoods. This ancient technique has been around for thousands of years, which we've adapted and enhanced for modern day times. The process involves simultaneously cooking stock, bones, meat, above ground vegetables, herbs, organic supplements and raw minerals.

The BSBD requires you to consume nothing but anti-inflammatory foods for an entire week. So yes, this means you're going back in time to replicate eating habits ancestors used to practice all the time, with the ability to add your own spices and herbs to suit - this will be your new addiction!

If you think it's difficult - think again. Consuming nutrient dense stock broth is easier than you think and especially when feel and see the results. Remember: we were born to eat off the land not to eat processed or GMO foods. 

Hundreds have already risen to the challenge with incredible results within 4-7 days. 

All you need is a bit of discipline, and you will no doubt become one of our happy referees boasting amazing feedback to all your friends and family.