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Coffee Could Kill You. If You Don't Understand the Process Behind the Coffee.

Coffee Could Kill You. If You Don't Understand the Process Behind the Coffee.

Gina DiBrita, Director of Numero Uno, has been sourcing the finest coffee for decades and understands good coffee is derived from the strict process of growing, testing post-harvest and manufacturing coffee that is mycotoxin free.

Mycotoxins are naturally occurring toxins produced by certain moulds (fungi) and can be found in some foods but more commonly nuts, dried fruits, apples and coffee beans, often under warm and humid conditions.  

Coffee is the most popular beverage in the world with 2.25 billion cups being consumed every day, is the world’s seventh-largest legal agricultural export by value and the second most valuable commodity exported by developing countries.

In Australia, three in four adults (75%) drink at least one cup of coffee per day and 28% have more than three cups per day. So it would be safe to assume that coffee is not something that anyone is willing to give up and we need to find a way to make it safe to consume.

Enter Numero Uno Coffee. See their products online here.


How do I know if coffee is good for me?

We all know coffee has a bad reputation for causing the shakes, forms of stomach discomfort and can even lead to cancer. Caffeine is a stimulant and is therefore not recommended for people with adrenal fatigue, thyroid problems, auto immune disorders, chronic illness or inflammatory disease. However, if you’re already healthy or perhaps struggle with circulation issues, are trying to enhance your brain and don't have any of the above conditions - consuming coffee in low doses can be good for your health.

When should I consume coffee?

The best times to consume coffee is in the morning or before lunch, because if you start drinking coffee in the afternoon or evening the caffeine will last 12 hours in the body an affect your sleep cycle and quality of sleep.

Studies completed that claim coffee is “bad” for you are based on epidemiological data, but there is also that same data to support coffee consumption coupled with loads of clinical research. We believe the studies completed that show negative results are not digging deeper into the production process behind the coffee ready for distribution.

What is the best way to process coffee?

Different methods result in different toxins being formed and attaching themselves to the coffee. This occurs through the manufacturing process with how long its allowed to ferment and if the beans were damaged before roasting. The end results is simple: good processed coffee = good performance; bad processed coffee = bad side effects for your health.

There are various methods used to make coffee, but the best method is the natural way and starts from the plant sprouting and growing the bean. After six months it’s ready to be transferred to the plantation with the right pH levels in the soil and the right amount of shade.

From here it will take approximately two years before you start seeing coffee; between 3-7 years you start seeing amazing coffee and between years 7-10 you will see good coffee. After 10 years you to either prune the plant or cut it back to a stump allowing for new growth. In severe circumstances the farmer will replant with a new seedling or variatel.

Precision and science matters during the manufacturing process to ensure all beans are tested for toxins and moulds. Under careful control, sugars and flavours in the fruit of the bean are concentrated and absorbed creating a heavier body with powerful, refined fruity flavours.

When harvesting the beans that are perfectly ripe, the right flavour and right amount of sugar will enable them to be processed properly. Over ripe beans cause mycotoxins and even one single, spoiled bean in the package can affect the toxicity of your coffee and give you those nasty side-effects like headaches, withdrawals and the shakes.

Many different mycotoxins exist, but the ones most relevant to coffee crops are aflatoxin B1; a known carcinogen with harmful effects on the body and ochratoxin A; classified as a weak carcinogen and may also be harmful to the kidneys and brain function.

Which is the best type of coffee to buy?

Once roasted, all coffee beans look the same and there are several varieties of coffee beans, with two primary types being Arabica and Robust. So, it’s important to understand the difference between the two when choosing coffee.

Arabica Coffee Beans

These two varieties differ in taste, growing conditions, acidity, caffeine levels and price-point.

Arabica beans are the most popular coffee bean making up 60%+ of coffee production worldwide, originated in the south western highlands of Ethiopia and yields from the coffea arabica plant. It grows in higher altitudes and prefers humidity and likes to be grown in the shade (subtropical). Native tribes used to crush the beans and mix with fat to be eaten as a stimulant.

It has a sweeter, softer taste, with more fruity tones, as it contains twice as much natural sugar than the Robusta bean, and around 60% more lipids (fats, oils, waxes & vitamins). More importantly, it has a much lower caffeine component of around 1.2-1.5% and is also lower in chlorogenic acid (CGA) of around 5.5-8%.

Robusta Coffee Beans

In contrast, Robusta beans, (Coffea Robust) originating from Central and western sub-saharan Africa, is the second most popular coffee in the world and grows in low altitudes. It has a much stronger, harsher taste, with a rubbery-grain-like overtones and some would describe a nutty aftertaste.

They are considered inferior quality to Arabica beans and contain twice as much caffeine around 2.2-2.7% and are higher in chlorogenic acid (CGA) of around 7-10%. Some robustas are of high quality and valued because of the crema flavour it adds to an espresso.

Benefits of Coffee

Here are some good reasons to drink “good processed coffee”:

Is coffee good for brain, heart and liver? Find out from Dr Josh Axe!

"One of the most common questions I’ve been getting recently is, “Is coffee bad for you?” The answer is, yes and no. Coffee is beneficial because it contains massive amounts of antioxidants, which help slow the ageing process and protect you from free radical damage. Coffee also helps stimulate the liver and increases circulation, helping blood flow to the brain.

Coffee can be harmful in some ways because of the amount of caffeine it contains. The caffeine in coffee can overstimulate the body, burn out your adrenal glands, and overtax your body. About 80% of people in the world will struggle with thyroid problems or fatigue issues. For this group, I wouldn’t recommend coffee because it will burn out your adrenal glands.

However, if you’re generally healthy, then drinking coffee in moderate amounts can be fine, and even good for your health. I wouldn’t recommend drinking coffee past lunch time because it can affect your sleep cycle that night. Depending on the condition of your body, if you’re suffering from an autoimmune disease, coffee can make your disease worse.

If you’re pretty healthy, looking for a pick-me-up, or looking for more antioxidants, then coffee can provide you with these benefits. When picking out your coffee beans, I would recommend choosing all natural, organic coffee because it’s one of the most highly sprayed plants in the world. Lastly, if you’re looking for a great substitute for coffee, I would suggest drinking matcha green tea because it has great benefits and one-third the amount of caffeine."