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Make Your Vote Count for Climate Change - View Our Climate Policy Comparison

Make Your Vote Count for Climate Change - View Our Climate Policy Comparison

(Image credit: Junkee)

In October 2018 the IPCC provided evidence that the world has less than 12 years to manage the impact of human-made climate change to stabilise temperature rising to 1.50C.

Another damning report was also released by the UN stating the human race is in jeopardy because of the impacts our actions, which have led to the accelerated decline of Earth’s natural life-support eco-systems.

This report was handed over by the UN Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) clearly stating that humans are destroying rain forests, marine environments, and animal species at a rate that is significantly higher than at any time over the last 10 years.

What can you do to secure your children future?

Make your vote count today in this federal election.

The Facts on the Liberal Government’s History of Tackling Climate Change

In 2013, after the Abbott Government (Liberals) won the election, the entire renewable energy industry, and its prospects for climate change researched by scientists from the UN, were cast into a significant dark period. Climate change policies were unwound, and investments into sourcing new clean energy projects came to a grinding halt.

Based on the actions of the Liberal party, it seemed at that time there would be little to no hope that climate change would ever register as a major vote-winning issue in Australian politics.

Fast-forward to 2019 and the political environment has changed dramatically, as the impacts and threats of climate change grow more apparent and we’re literally running out of time before its deemed irreversible.

According to ABC’s Vote Compass, the economy was by far the most important issue to voters six years ago – climate change ranked fourth place, behind asylum seekers, and health and hospitals.

In 2019, Vote Compass finds that environment is now top, followed by the economy and then health and super/pensions.

The Climate Change Council (an independent body) has taken a look at where each of the three largest parties, the Liberal-National Coalition, the Australian Labor Party, and the Greens stand on climate change, what key groups have had to say about their platforms and their prospects for tomorrow’s election.

Click here to get up to speed with climate and energy policies of Australia’s political parties and find out who your vote will impact climate policy in Australia with this fact sheet. We’ve also taken screenshots below of the comparison for quick viewing.


The entire human race and our planet is basically in our hands for this election and over the next four years - no pressure.